There’s a movement happening right now—under the radar, where the real breakthroughs are taking place.

Reverse Disease Using the 4 Pillars of Health

"Insulin resistance is the first domino to fall before all these other diseases happen."

- Ben Azadi

Unlock Peak Health: A Tactical Guide to Metabolic Flexibility and Longevity

1. Transform Your Metabolism: Ditch the Lies, Embrace the Truth

Goal: Achieve metabolic flexibility and prevent obesity.

Action Steps:

  • Start by eliminating processed foods and sugars from your diet.
  • Incorporate intermittent fasting to improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods rich in nutrients.
Why It Matters: By 2030, half of the U.S. population is predicted to be obese. Taking control of your diet now can prevent you from becoming part of this statistic.

2. Break Free from Cholesterol Myths: Embrace Healthy Fats

Goal: Improve heart health and reduce inflammation.

Action Steps:

  • Replace industrial seed oils with healthy fats like olive oil, avocado oil, and grass-fed butter.
  • Monitor your cholesterol levels, focusing on maintaining balance rather than merely lowering cholesterol.
  • Educate yourself about the true causes of heart disease, such as inflammation and insulin resistance.
Why It Matters: High cholesterol is not the enemy; inflammation is. Understanding this can protect your heart and overall health.

3. Detoxify Your Life: Minimize Environmental Toxins

Goal: Reduce toxin load and improve metabolic health.

Action Steps:

  • Switch to glass containers and avoid plastic whenever possible.
  • Say no to thermal receipts, which are laden with BPA.
  • Opt for organic, non-GMO foods to avoid harmful pesticides like glyphosate.
Why It Matters: Toxins are stealthy saboteurs of your health. Reducing exposure can prevent metabolic dysfunction and chronic disease.

4. Harness the Power of Hormesis: Stress Your Body Smartly

Goal: Enhance resilience and health through controlled stress.

Action Steps:

  • Incorporate biohacks such as cold plunges and red light therapy, but start slow and monitor your body’s response.
  • Use tools like heart rate variability (HRV) monitors to gauge how well you’re adapting to stress.
  • Balance periods of intense activity with adequate rest and recovery.
Why It Matters: The right amount of stress can make you stronger. Finding your sweet spot is key to reaping the benefits without the burnout.

5. Cultivate a Gratitude Mindset: Boost Your Health from Within

Goal: Enhance mental and physical well-being through gratitude.

Action Steps:

  • Begin and end each day by listing three things you’re grateful for.
  • Incorporate gratitude into your meditation or mindfulness practice.
  • Share your gratitude with others to amplify its positive effects.
Why It Matters: Gratitude has been scientifically proven to lower cortisol, improve immune function, and boost overall health. It’s the simplest yet most powerful biohack available.

Key Points from Ben Azadi's Talk

1. Metabolic Dysfunction and Obesity Epidemic

  • Key Point: By 2030, one in two adults in the U.S. will be obese.
  • Significance: This alarming prediction underscores the severity of the metabolic health crisis.
  • Quote: "In 2030, it's predicted that one in two adults, half of the United States, will be obese. Not overweight, but obese."

2. Misconceptions About Cholesterol and Heart Disease

  • Key Point: High cholesterol is not the primary cause of heart disease; inflammation and insulin resistance are.
  • Significance: Correcting misconceptions about cholesterol can lead to better health outcomes.
  • Quote: "Most heart attacks actually occur with people who have normal to low cholesterol, not high cholesterol."

3. Impact of Environmental Toxins

  • Key Point: Toxins are a significant cause of metabolic dysfunction and obesity.
  • Significance: Recognizing and reducing toxin exposure can improve metabolic health.
  • Quote: "The average person eats a credit card every single week. Five grams of plastic."

4. Insulin Resistance as a Root Cause

  • Key Point: Insulin resistance is the first domino to fall before other diseases.
  • Significance: Addressing insulin resistance is crucial for preventing metabolic diseases.
  • Quote: "Insulin resistance is the first domino to fall before all these other diseases happen."

5. The Role of Diet and Seed Oils

  • Key Point: Industrialized seed oils are more damaging than sugar and smoking.
  • Significance: Avoiding seed oils and choosing healthier fats is essential for metabolic health.
  • Quote: "Hands down, it's the vegetable oils."

6. Debunking the Calorie Myth

  • Key Point: Obesity is not just about calories but about toxins causing metabolic dysfunction.
  • Significance: Shifting focus from calorie counting to toxin reduction can aid in weight management.
  • Quote: "Just eat less and move more...does not work, especially long term."

7. Hormesis and Biohacking

  • Key Point: Stress in the right amount (hormesis) is vital for health, but overdoing biohacks can be harmful.
  • Significance: Balancing stressors like cold plunges and red light therapy is crucial for optimal health.
  • Quote: "Please apply the principle of hormesis to the stressors that you do."

8. The Fallacy of Sick Care

  • Key Point: The current healthcare system profits from sickness rather than promoting health.
  • Significance: Empowering individuals to take charge of their health can reduce dependency on a flawed system.
  • Quote: "A cured patient is a lost customer."

9. Gratitude as a Powerful Biohack

  • Key Point: Practicing gratitude (Vitamin G) has profound health benefits, including reducing inflammation and improving overall well-being.
  • Significance: Incorporating gratitude into daily routines can significantly enhance health and longevity.
  • Quote: "Vitamin G is the practice of gratitude...what you appreciate, appreciates."


The information contained in this article, action plan, talk, and eBook are for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as health or medical advice. The content provided should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Before making any changes to your lifestyle, diet, or exercise regimen, or before implementing any of the strategies or techniques described here, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional. Each individual's health situation is unique, and what works for one person may not be safe or effective for another.

The author and publisher of this content are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions, preparations, or procedures described within this document. Reliance on any information provided by this eBook is solely at your own risk.

By reading this information, you acknowledge and agree that you will not hold the author or publisher liable for any harm or injury that may result from the use, misuse, or non-use of the information provided. Always use caution and consult with a trusted medical professional when making decisions about your health and well-being.